Close an Issue or Incident

To close an Issue or an Incident, you need to change the Status field to 'Closed'. 

You can do this when you add an Action, or when you edit the Issue / Incident. 

Changing the Status is controlled by permissions, and not all users have permission to close an Issue / Incident.


The Issue / Incident 'Status' is shown in the top part of the progress bar:

When an Issue / Incident is closed, the top part of the progress bar will be filled in with colour. 
You can also see the status in the Register/List view, and at the top of the Issue / Incident view:

Close with an Action

You would normally close an Issue or an Incident with a "Verify" action, where you record the evidence that proves the actions taken have been effective in fixing and preventing further occurrences of the problem.
If you have the correct permissions, you should see a 'Change Issue Status?' field at the bottom of the add action form:

Close by Editing the Issue / Incident

Look for the Edit button at the top right of the Issue / Incident view.

Then click in the Status field to open the list of status choices. Select 'Closed' and then Save.


In most cases, you will need to be the Assignee, or in the 'Issues/Incidents_Managers' or 'Staff' user groups. 

However, it's possible to configure a QSToolbox system to not allow the Assignee to close an Issue / Incident. 

If you're the Assignee and don't see 'Closed' in the list of status choices, then your company policy is that Issues must be closed by an 'Issues_Manager' user, and/or Incidents must be closed by an 'Incidents_Manager' user.