Reports - Asset Due Dates

Get a report from either Assets or Asset requirements to show all due dates so you can plan the work to be done, or just check the status of your assets in more detail.

Go to the Assets module and search the Assets register for the Assets you want to see.

Access the report by clicking on the tab over on the right, circled below:

Report by Assets

To see due dates for all of your 'Process Equipment' for example - search by asset Type in the Assets register and switch to the due dates view. The report shows the date of the most recent record and the next due date of every requirement for each asset in your search results:

To export to Excel, just click the button at the top right of the report.

If you see Assets in the list view but not in the due dates report, it means they don't have any requirements assigned.

Report by Asset Requirement

You can also access the Due Dates report from Asset Requirements. For example, to collect items in preparation for an external calibration provider - search for 'calibration' in the Asset Requirements register, and then switch to the due dates view:

This version of the report starts with the requirements and then shows relevant assets , with details of the most recent record and the next due date.