Register Timeline

Registers with repeating due dates will show a timeline view that makes it easy to see whether there is a record corresponding to each repeat (marked with a green 'tick'):

timeline showing green 'done' ticks on all recent scheduled due date repeats

Click on a green tick to view the corresponding record..

If there is no record for a past due date, it will be marked with a red cross. An upcoming due date is marked with a blue "+":

timeline showing a past due date marked with a red cross and an upcoming due date with a blue '+'

To add a record to the register for one of the incompleted due dates, click the red 'x' or the blue '+' icon.

This will pre-fill the "Date Scheduled" field.

Toolbox matches Records to Register due dates using the "Date Scheduled" field:

Toolbox doesn't use the 'Record Date' to match because records are often earlier or later than the due date.

If you need to add a record for a different date or to a Register with no timeline (no repeating due dates), you can use the 'Add a Record' button: