Make an Asset Inactive

When an Asset is sold or disposed of, you can mark it as "Inactive" to hide it from the default search results, and to stop any reminders about due dates.

You won't lose any data, and you can still access Inactive asset information via the 'Inactive' search tab in the Assets module.

If the asset was just out of action for an extended period and is now ready to return to service, you can just switch it back to 'active' again to reinstate tracking of maintenance, calibration and other due dates .

How to make an Asset 'Inactive'

  1. Go to the Assets module and view the Asset you want to change.
  2. Click "EDIT" at the top right.
  3. Tick the 'Inactive' box, and then click "SAVE" at the bottom:

It's a good idea to add a record or note or comment about why the asset has been made inactive.