What is the Work List?
The Work List is your 'To Do' list.
It collects items that have been assigned to you (tasks, issues, documents, assets, risks, - everything!) and lists them under the due date. Items listed under dates in red are past due, and items listed under green dates are upcoming.
The boxes at the top show the number of items on your work list from each module.
Filter the results to show only one module by clicking the relevant summary box, e.g. click on "Documents" to see only Documents on the Work List:
The tabs also filter results.
Choose "SHOW ALL" to see everything assigned to everyone.
Choose the timeframe of due dates displayed on the work list. Items that don't have a due date are listed under the "NO DATE" tab.
Stack up the filters to narrow the results, e.g. show only Issues, assigned to me, with no date: