Add Form fields

After you create a new form and save it, the next step is to build the form by adding form fields.

You'll need to go to the 'Build' tab to add or edit form fields. If your form doesn't have any fields yet, you'll also see a message to "Build form to add form fields"

Notice that the name of the form has "[draft]" after it to show it has not been released. It means this form can't be used yet. When it is ready, you'll need to release the form

There are several different kinds of form fields. The larger group at the top are for questions. The two at the bottom don't accept answers and are for adding instructions to your form. Here's more info on the various form field types.

Add a form field

Click the button for the type of field you want to add and then fill in the information to define your question. The different fields have different options. Here's what this looks like for a text field:

Most fields can be set as "Required", so the form can't be submitted without entering a value in this field. 

Click 'SAVE' to save the field. 

Form fields can be re-ordered, edited, and deleted from the form.