Asset Gaps report

The Assets Register "GAPS" tab filters the list of assets to only show assets that don't comply with their requirements. It might be due to a missing record, or one that has expired. 

(and the "No Gaps"  tab shows the reverse - a list of assets that do meet all their requirements)

When you view the asset, you'll see it has a list of 'Requirements" at the top right that will be highlighted in orange if there are missing items. 

This asset doesn't have any current records for the "Vehicle Service" requirement, so it has been flagged as a compliance gap.

Also, the record for 'Safety Inspection - Annual' has expired, so this is also a compliance gap. 

To fill a Gap, Add a Record

To remove a Gap in requirements, you'll need to add an Asset record for each requirement. 

In this case, we need to add a current record for both "Safety Inspection - Annual" and "Vehicle Service".

Then the Requirements section will be highlighted in green: