Add an Incident
Go to the Incidents module and click on “+ ADD INCIDENT" at the top right of the Incident Register.
You can also add Incidents via a QR code (get the code from the 'Add Incident' screen).
This opens up an initial screen to enter the details about the incident you want to report.
Incident Fields
Name*: (required) This short summary is like the Incident title. This text appears in the Incident register, so keep it brief and meaningful.
Type*: (required) Choose which term matches your Incident best. (the choices can be configured by a manager user in Settings)
Status*: (required) what stage the Incident is at.
- opened - reported but nothing done yet. This is the default status for a new incident.
- in-progress - working on it
- pending - implemented a solution but we don't know if it's effective yet
- closed - verified that the solution was effective and no further action needed.
Rating: rate the severity of this incident
Assignee: This is who is responsible for taking the next step in resolving this Incident.
Due Date: when the next action should be taken by the assignee
Description: Here's where you give more information about the problem. Try to include enough details so that someone who was not involved can understand what happened. Avoid using names to protect the privacy of those involved - this information goes in the 'PEOPLE' tab, next.
Incident Location*: (required) Where the incident took place
Incident Date: the date the Incident occurred
Incident Time: the time the incident occurred
Injury Nature: select the kind of injury - burn, crush, laceration, etc.
Injury Mechanism: how was the injury inflicted - contact with hot/cold object, contact with electricty, manual handling, etc
Injury body part: what part of the body was injured - hand, arm, back, etc
Medical Treatment: what kind of medical treatments was taken - first aid, doctor, hospital, etc.
Worker Status:
Claim made?: If an insurance claim has been made, check this box. You can optionally store claim details in the 'Records' tab for an incident (restricted access).
Injury Management?: If there is an associated injury management plan, check this box. You can optionally store injury management / return to work details in the 'Records' tab for an incident (restricted access).
Date returned to work: date the injured employee returned to work. If there was no lost time, enter the same day as the incident occurred. Leave blank to enter the date later.
File: upload any attachments with supporting information, evidence for the incident.
Projects: link to a 'project' in QSToolbox to facilitate searching & reporting
Tags: apply tags to categorise the Incident for searching and reporting
Click on "SAVE" to save the Incident.
The following things will happen:
- An Incident number will be assigned automatically.
- The Assignee will receive a notification email.
- If you added a due date, the Incident will appear in the Assignee's worklist.
- You and the Assignee will be added as 'followers' to the Incident and will receive updates when anything changes. You can 'Unfollow' if you don't want to receive notifications for this Incident
- The Incident will open for further edits or review.
People - who was involved
To protect the privacy of those involved, this information has limited access. All members can add people to an Incident, but only Staff and Incident_manager users will be able to see this information.
To add details of the people involved - who was injured, witnesses, etc, switch to the "PEOPLE" tab.
Fill in the details in the form beneath and SAVE. You can continue to add as many people as needed.
- Type - the nature of the persons involvement - Injured, Witness, First Aider, etc.
- Relation - the person's relationship to the organisation - Employee, Contractor, Visitor, etc
- Name (required) - enter the name of the person.
- Phone - Enter their contact information in case of followup questions.
Click "SAVE". If you're a member user, you won't be able to see the information after you save.
Incidents are processed with Corrective Actions in the same way as Issues.