Asset Due Dates

Asset due dates are based on two things - the Requirement(s) selected for the asset, and the most recent Asset Record matching each requirement.

  • The Requirement sets up the reminder and determines how often, or the repeat frequency.
  • An Asset Record matching that requirement has an Expiry Date, which is the next due date. 

"No records"

If there are no matching records for a requirement, you won't see a specific due date - you'll see "no records". It's a gap that is effectively due now, because (as far as QSToolbox knows) it's never been done. 

How to get a Due Date on the Calendar and Work List

(A) You know when the Requirement was last met:
(e.g. have a service report, an invoice, a calibration certificate, or just a date in a spreadsheet) 

--> Add an Asset Record and enter the report/certificate date or the last-done date from the spreadsheet as the Record Date. QSToolbox will calculate the Expiry (next due) Date based on the settings for the selected requirement.

If your spreadsheet has a 'next due' date instead of a 'last done' date, enter a record date and then change the expiry date on the asset record to match the due date in your spreadsheet. (You must enter a record date, but in this case it doesn't matter too much what it is.)

(B) You don't know when the Requirement was last met:
( or perhaps it's a new asset and there's not been any 'Annual Preventative Maintenance' yet) 

--> Add an Asset Record and edit the expiry date to the due date you want. It's a good idea to add a note to say this is a placeholder / planning / dummy record, so that people know it doesn't represent work performed. 

When the maintenance has been completed, add a new Asset Record with the date it was done and QSToolbox will calculate the next due date based on this more recent record.

Who sees the Due Dates? 

The asset assignee will see the due dates on their calendar and worklist. 

If you're managing assets assigned to other users, change the search tabs from 'mine' (showing only yours) to 'show all' to see all due dates. 

You can also click on the Assets summary box at the top to filter the Calendar or Worklist to only show Asset due dates.