2024-11 November Updates


Saving QR codes is easier

QR codes were displaying as a printable page with the QR code in a format that wasn't easy to download. You can now right-click the QR code to easily save the image or copy and paste it into your own document for complete control of your label formatting.

Generating multiple asset labels via export and mail merge

Getting asset labels one-by-one is OK when you're just adding one new asset to the system, but tedious when you need to apply labels to many assets at the same time. There's now a new export to download a zip file with QR code images as well as a csv file with asset details so you can use the Mail Merge function in MS Word to create many labels at once.

Change to the display of "Gaps"

In Assets, Contacts, and Training modules, you can set requirements and then upload corresponding records to demonstrate compliance. A "gap" is where something has a requirement but no matching record (or it has expired).

In the list view for these modules, the "# Gaps" column displays a zero if the item is in compliance with all its requirements. Previously, the list view would also display a zero if no requirements had been set.

Now assets, contacts, and employees in compliance with no set requirements will show a dash.

This also makes it much easier to identify items with incorrect settings, such as an Asset missing maintenance or calibration reminders.

Asset Due Dates Report

The formatting of the Asset due dates report had previously been changed to allow sorting on any column and to make it easier to read. e.g., search for the assets you want to report on and and select the due dates report tab:

This new formatting has now also been extended to the other Asset Due Dates report - accessed from the 'Requirements' list.

e.g., search for everything needing 'calibration' and then select the due dates report tab:

Members can access dashboards

QSToolbox can be configured for custom dashboards. In the last update, we talked about how dashboards can be displayed as a module header, in addition to dashboard pages. However member users couldn't see the dashboard icon so they were only able to see the module dashboards (if any). We've fixed the permission so that all users can access available dashboards.

If you'd like to turn on dashboards for your site, please get in touch with our support team.

Minor changes and bug fixes:

  • Fixed a dashboard chart bug that ignored 'tag' in the search parameters
  • Fixed a bug for selecting a Form in an Issue or Incident Action
  • Permissions fixed for displaying the shortcut to add records in Assets and Contacts
  • Documents with only a revision number (no rev date) now show the revision number in the list view
  • A speed-up for contacts and training list views for high numbers of people and requirements