Incidents Overview
Use the Incidents module for reporting injuries (including MTI, LTI, First Aid), illness, and near misses.
(Other 'Incidents' like property damage, or environmental spills usually belong in the Issues module.)
Report what happened, upload supporting evidence, and track what you've done in response.

There is a pre-set list of incident types to get you started, but you can easily customise QSToolbox to suit the terms you use, the kinds of incidents you want to track, and your reporting needs.
Typical incident types are:
- Illness
- Injury
- Near Miss
- Lost Time Injury (LTI)
- Medical Treatment Injury (MTI)
Use sub-types to be able to search and report at different levels:
e.g., add subtypes to the parent "Injury" category to easily report on all "Injury" incidents, or only "MTI" incidents.

Incidents are processed by adding 'Actions'. There is a guided process to follow shown at the top of the incident view:

The 'Actions' tell the story, capture evidence, and form an audit trail of the corrective actions taken to address the incident.
Upload Files & Images
You can include files and images to support the story and to keep all the relevant information in one place. Attachments on the Incident and Actions are visible by members. Attachments uploaded on the 'Records' tab of an Incident have limited access.
Add Links
Incidents can link to other content in Toolbox via the 'Related Items' tab:

e.g. link to a related Risk in the risk register, link to the relevant procedure in Documents, link to previous similar Incidents or relevant Issues, link to the Asset involved, etc.
The assignee and the creator will automatically be added as 'followers'. This means they will receive email notifications when the incident is created and when actions are added. You can easily add extra followers if you think someone needs to know what's going on.
It is also possible for a user to 'follow' an incident they are interested in (or 'unfollow' to stop receiving updates).
The Incidents register has powerful search options to quickly find the incident(s) you're looking for. Use tags, search fields, and/or tabs to get the right results.
Your exact search results can easily be viewed in the reports - just by switching to that view. You can continue to adjust the search results shown in the reports as you watch them update.