Documents Tabs
A quick rundown of what all the tabs in the Documents module do.
The group of tabs on the left run pre-configured searches.
SHOW ALL - returns all of the documents in your site
MINE - returns documents where you are Editor.
FOLLOWING - all documents you are 'following'. This happens by default if you are the Editor, Approver, or Reviewer. You can also control which documents you follow or not, by toggling the "FOLLOW / UNFOLLOW' button at the top right of a document.
SOON - documents with a due date in the next 7 days
LATE - documents with a past due date
NEW - documents created within the last 7 days
INACTIVE - documents you're archived as they are no longer relevant.
A, B, C - these are your own personal saved searches, called 'Collections'. To create a collection, use the "Bulk Actions" button at the bottom of the document register. Select the documents you want for your collection and then choose bulk action "Add to Collection". See more on Collections.
The group on the right give you different views into your data.
List - The first tab switches to the list view (the default).
Reports - The next tab goes to the reports view. Any searches you've run in list view will be maintained when you switch to reports.
Export - The third tab Exports your current search results as *.csv data
ACTIVITY - shows you the log of activity witihin the Documents module.