Add Team Members

How to add or remove project Team members, and set their permissions.

Look for the gear icon up in the top right. If you don't see this icon, then you don't have permission to change Settings or Manage Users.  You'll have to ask a Site Admin to help. 

Adding a new user

Click on the Settings gear icon to access the Site Administration view, and look for "USERS" at the top of the list. 

You can add a new user directly by clicking on the "+ Add" button. To view the list of users, click on "Change".

You can add a user from the list view with the "ADD USER +" button on the top right:

top right button to add a new user
In the Add User form, you'll need to fill in all the fields:

  • Username - used to login. There are some limits to the characters you can use. 
  • First name - 
  • Last name - 
  • Email - used for system notifications, reminders, password resets. Each account needs a unique email address. 
  • Password - set a password for this username
  • Password Confirmation - enter exactly the same password to confirm it.

We recommend setting a random password and have the new user go through the reset password process to set their own password. 

Each account needs a unique email address. If you try to create an account with a duplicate email you'll see an error:  "User with this Email address already exists."

Set permissions group

After you save the new user, you'll need to set their permissions. This is managed by assigning permission groups. Look for the heading "Permissions".
When you first create a new user, the "Chosen groups" on the right hand side will be empty. With no chosen group, the new user can only view content. They can't add or edit or be assigned to any content.

Usually, most users in your site should have the 'members' permission group chosen. Member users can add new content (e.g. to report an Issue) and edit items that have been assigned to them (e.g. to tick off a task as 'done'), but they can't delete content or manage settings:

Here's more on how to manage user permissions.

If you make changes, remember to "SAVE" at the bottom.

To go back to your Toolbox site, click on "VIEW SITE" at the top right of the screen.