Permissions - general

QSToolbox controls what a user can do via their permission group, and by any specific roles for an individual content item. 

Permission Groups:

  • member
  • staff
  • module_managers (document_managers, issue_managers, assets_managers, etc)

To manage permissions for a user, you'll need to be in the 'staff' group.


Most content in QSToolbox can be assigned to a user. This gives them the role of 'Assignee', and permission to edit that item. Some modules have other roles that grant different permissions. Here are some of the roles in QSToolbox:

  • Assignee
  • Editor (for a document)
  • Approver (for a document)
  • Viewer (for an employee in Training)

For more on what different roles can do in each module, have a look at the permission matrix for the module.

New users are observers

When a new user is created, they won't be assigned to any groups. Users not assigned any group are effectively "Observer" users who can view, but not add or edit anything. 

Most users should be 'members'

In general, members can: 
  • view
  • add new content (e.g., to report an issue)
  • edit content only if it is assigned to them. 
Members can not:
  • edit content not assigned to them
  • delete any content 
  • manage users or settings. 


You can give a user elevated permissions for individual modules by adding the relevant module manager group, e.g. users in the "issues_managers" group have full access in the Issues module. This is mostly used for 'member' users, since 'staff' users already have elevated permissions (except in the Training module).
Module_managers can:
  • add
  • edit
  • delete
  • undelete
  • change workflow status (e.g. close an issue, release a document)
  • use bulk actions

Module_managers can not:

  • change settings (e.g. types)
  • manage users

'Staff' users

Users in the 'staff' permission group have full access to everything - except in the Training module.

Staff users can:
  • add
  • edit
  • delete
  • undelete
  • change workflow status (e.g. close an issue, release a document)
  • use bulk actions
  • change settings (e.g. types)
  • manage users

All powerful?

For full access to everything, a user needs to be in the 'staff' and 'training_manager' groups.